Kambari People

The Kambari People are found in Northwest Nigeria, around Kainji Lake.

The Kambari are found in these states of Nigeria:

Sokoto, Zamfara, Kebbi, Kwara, Niger and Kogi States of Nigeria. The Kambari are found in this area because they are predominately farmers they travel all these areas looking for fertile land.

This girl is working with a traditional pot

This picture is all about kambari drama

This is also drama of a native doctor from the kambari language

This three guys you see her are photographers

This girl carried Azagunu dance pot

This pictures is all about Azagunu dance during kambari festival

This picture is also about Azagunu dance that circles  the field

This is KLP Staff during Tsikimba Auna Consultant Checking

Kambari Drama during celebration of out going Student

Is also about the celebration of out going Student dancing

These pictures are free to download.


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